Tuesday, February 08, 2011

when i was in Bali, he was in Bandung. now, we replace it. me stay in Bandung while he is in Bali. almost 2 weeks haven't seen each other. ah, i miss you a zillion times, fatty bear! go have some fun there, see you on saturday when i'll pick you up. i miss you..

Sunday, January 09, 2011

seems like the number has changed, right? 2010 to 2011. great! well, a resume of 2010. sigh. let me think.. hhmm.. yes.. ah? ok! i don't remember anything HAHAHAA. lie! 2010? it was..

January. bulan pertama ini saya taun baruan sama merwyn di rumahnya. beli ayam bakar 1 ekor (yang 3/4 bagiannya saya habiskan sendiri. nyam nyam nyaaamm!) and it was our first new years eve. hah? NYE? itu mah makan-makan sambil nonton nickelodeon ko HAHAHAA :p lalu uas (UNPAD emang ga asik ye jadwal uas-nya) dan libur. eh.. KKN!

Februari. KKN, subang. rame. kangen juga (boong) hehee. diabisin sama hal KKN sampai pertengahan bulan. bablas seminggu kuliah karena jadwal kuliah dan KKN bentrok. ko bisa? well, you better ask my university, then. hehe. lalu masuk semester 6. dan.. beraaaaaatttttt! kenapa berat? karena dari 18 sks (hampir) semua mata kuliahnya sastra yang saya sangat lemah (padahal kuliah sastra. pret!)

Maret. masih adaptasi semester 6. haha. lama pisan adaptasinya. lalu disibukan dengan pencarian calon ketua GEMASi (GEMASI adalah nama himpunan jurusan) ah ya.. saya harus lengser. segera. hehee.

April. ini bulannya UTS bukan sih? (AHAHA mahasiswi murtad ga hafal bulan-bulan UTS) ya gitulah. masih sibuk dengan bacaan-bacaan sastra ya WOW saya ga ngerti hehe dan masih mencari calon ketua GEMASI. saya dan Merwyn? super! :)

Mei. mendekati UAS. tugas essay, drama, presentasi, dll. amazing! it was reaaallly reallyyy amazing. but thank God i have such wonderful friends with their superb brain. hahaa. my task seemed soooo.. ah, not too hard. and yes, again, my boyf. he helped me to make a short story. and you know what? the score of the short story was HIGH! hahaaha. my boyf, he seems to love literature than me :p and oh, calon ketua sudag didapat. Jessica dan Ihsan. yayaya, waktunya saya dan teman-teman kepengurusan LPJ (drum roll), penghitungan suara dan pelantikan. oke, ada sedikit masalah (sedikit? ya gitulah) salah satu kandidat calon ketua GEMASI sudah memenangkan suara. ya, dia ketua GEMASI selanjutnya (seharusnya) tapi eh tapi dia minta penghitungan suara ditangguhkan dan meminta ulang election. HAAHH??? yayayaa. terlalu panjang kalau diketik dan males juga HAHA. jadi diulang dan diitung kembali nanti Juni setelah UAS. oh keren!

Juni. 3 hal bulan ini. UAS, penghitungan dan pelantikan ketua GEMASI 2010-2011 dan my birthday. UAS? skip. Alhamdulillah walaupun tegang dengan nilainya. penghitungan dan pelantikan berjalan lancar dan pemenangnya orang yang berbeda. my birthday? IT WAS REALLY AMAZING WONDERFUL MAGNIFICIENT hahahaa berlebihan yes? pertama kalinya punya pacar (sungguhan)(eeaaaa curhat!) hahaa dan dikasih surprise. a cute little surprise from my boyf himself :3

a quick recape:
merwyn meninggalkanku ditanggal 25-nya. dia ada latihan intens sama bandnya (uhuk! :p) karena jadi bintang tamu di almamaternya, acara prom night. and i was home all alone. yeah! haha. malemnya nelfon jam 12 setelah dia latihan cuma bialng "iiihhh kamu tuuuaaaaaaa" dasar menyebalkan hehee. lalu saya pun tidur dengan pulas. zzzzzz.. zzzzzzz..
jam 4.00 - 4.30 subuh (lupa tepatnya ehhe) handphone berbunyi..

"bukain pintu dong, saya didepan. dingin ini"
"hah? didepan mana?"
"rumah kamu.."

telfon ditutup dan merwyn ada didepan rumah bawa cizzcake sama lilin. he said "orang-orang yang ngucapin jam 12 malem itu bukan orang yang pertama. saya orang yang pertama soalnya kamu lahir pas adzan subuh"

pengen mewek terharu hehee. i never thought he would do that before. you huggy bear :3

Juli. merwyn KKN. kaka nikahan. berat sekali ditinggal pacar saat liburan panjang, ga ngambil SP dan keluarga sedang sibuk nyiapin nikahan. dan jatuh sakit. hahaha (parah bener nih berlebihannya. iyyuuhh). mau magang di DisBudPar gajadi. Hotel Horison pun gajadi karena demam dan flu berat :( padahal surat rekomendasi dari jurusan udah ditangan. double :(:( alhamdulillah nikahan kaka lancar dan sekarang istrinya sedang mengandung 4 bulan jalan. yeyeyeyee.. am going to be an aunty! hihih. nuhun ya Alloh. semoga semuanya sehat selalu. amin :)

Agustus. merwyn pulang kkn. 1st anniversary (adeuh :D) puasa. merwyn di opname. masuk semester 7 (baca: angkatan tua) merwyn sakit, di opname 10 hari dan bed rest dirumah hampir total 1 bulan. and i was his sweety nurse. righty right honey? :D and our anniversary was really FUN! foya-foyaaaa HAHAHAHA :p

September. lebaran. kuliah semester 7 (bau-bau seminar dan skripsi. yuk)

Oktober. Merwyn ulangtaun dan UTS. you know what? i made a-happybirthday-video for him and my present, a shoes was aaarrrggghhh the size is too big :( padahal warna sama modelnya udah merwyn sekali. yayaa.. lesson learned, fathia :) and his bday.. aw! i love it. alhamdulillah. he likes it! <3

November. kuliah. judul dan draft skripsi. kuliah. judul dan draft skripsi.

Desember. ahhhh.. 1 bulan ini saya dirumah. saki DBD. oke cukup itu aja.

well, it's 2011 now. actually i just have 1 wish that i really want most. graduation. mudah-mudahn 2011 ini saya, pacar saya, semua teman-teman angkatan 2007 dan teman-teman 2005/2006 juga LULUS semua taun ini. amin ya Allah :) dan yang lainnya.. biarkan positif saja :)

and yes.. i still have you. and i wish it for many years ahead. you. thank you for making my 2010 more colorful and bright, Mohammad Shadian Merwyn. i miss you everytime <3

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

dear: Mohammad Shadian Merwyn

"mohammad merwyn: yahhh
mohammad merwyn: hhehehe
mohammad merwyn: aduh
mohammad merwyn: 21 yah?
mohammad merwyn: ah"

hi bear, happy birthday to you. how does it feel? yep, being twenty-something?
well, it's your turn now. do you have any wishes to come?
come on. let God knows what do you want.
ok, you may start..
finish? ok, amin..
to be honest, (and as you know) i'm not quite good in speaking or saying my thought.
i just feel that your birthday is my birthday too.
see.. i can't make a beautiful words for you. pardon moi :p

but still.. i wish i can be with you. as long as i can,
to celebrate your birthday.. to see you grow up.. to make you smile.. and to love and care you forever..

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i wish you a very happy birthday, hei you! my object of affection. love you more each day :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pasar Seni ITB

everybody were busy about today just because the date is cute. is it? oh i think it's so-so, hehee *annoying* 10-10-10, ok, you got people's attention. people getting married, giving a birth, engaged, being in a relationship, what else? oh this one also, Pasar Seni ITB. the annual, uh no. this event is held every 4 or 5 years. but i must say that the event is totally great and.. SICK! the decoration, properties, stands, especially the concept! those FSRD students are too much creative i guess. great! can't wait for the next 4 years. and i chose to spent my afternoon to evening sunday with my boyf and met some friends, here.

talking about Pasar Seni ITB, i didn't bring my camera. i asked my mom to bring her digital pocket camera with me because i'm too lazy to bring my camera. hehehe :p
and i didn't take a lot of pictures there. but, i can share you some. please..

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1.jpg picture by fathiapradina
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10.jpg picture by fathiapradina

great sculpture. one of stages in the front of the gate. great decoration around the street, so sorry no picture added. a very nice welcoming part, i think.

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5.jpg picture by fathiapradina
7.jpg picture by fathiapradina
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9.jpg picture by fathiapradina

zillions people. amazing creations. about 3 stages inside if i'm not mistaken. nice foods. my boyf and i fave food? Mie Jelly. hahaha. what can i say? my legs are tired. i kept walking around ITB. oh there was Pinhole Camera Bandung booth also *drooling*. kinda tired, sat down and decided to go home at 6. you know what? the traffic was sick also. not only vehicle, even people also can't move. what a party today! thank you so much for accompanying me today you sour! happy amble! ooppssss! :p

Monday, October 04, 2010

i currently reading these books because of my preparation for my final exam. wish i have a very superb luck to pass this term now. graduate soon. amin.

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cats.jpg picture by fathiapradina

and looking for this book

haven't got any idea where i can find it. none ebook or even pdf download are available. you got any info? please kindly tell me :)

Sunday, October 03, 2010


i want my pedestrian timeeeeeeeee. especially on the night, and.. with you! hehehee. let's take a walk again bear, shall we? :)

and i kinda miss my yashica, too much!
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once, i watched my twitter timeline. about 230-something friends that i follow one of them said like this "words never lie, heart does" well, what does my friend imply? (just like question in TOEFL test, eh?) hahahaa. well, when we see something (than we call it as an object) with our own eyes, brain starts working. searching the suitable word(s) to describe it. then, if we realize that the word(s) is(are)not same with what we want our heart will begin to deny it. pathetic yet stupid. whereas, that's the truth. because what we see is what we get.

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What We See Is What We Get