Pre-GATES is a pre-event from GATES. GATES itself is an annual event in my study program. it's just like a welcoming day for the newest student from the senior. it was fun though. indeed.
the 2009 buddies
they did "up and down and shake shake" dance ;D
those who were having medical treatment
our id and he's derra the commander fox
akio and i as the leader
yel-yel timeeeeee
hahaha. me talked about GEMASI, our assosiation
some groups
riri, grace and wini the beavers except laras (left), she's a photographer
phoenix dude. agung, adhre, metsa and indra.
mmm.. yaaaaa.. naaaahhhh.. hahaaa..
some of us at the end of the show
FINISH ! yesssssss.. we are rock n' roll !!
photos by rangga
location : Universitas Padjadjaran
August 20, 2009.
August 20, 2009.